Monday 22 October 2012

Do Grades Really Matter?

All students have their eyes on one thing: good grades. They over-burden themselves with textbooks and notes, sacrificing a healthy diet and a good night's sleep. All they want to achieve is success in tests and exams. Pressure from parents and teachers and the desire to be praised drives them to the extremes. Why can't adults accept the fact that not all children can be good at everything? Do grades really matter? I feel like universities have a very superficial criteria of acceptance. They only like to look at grade sheets and a candidate's potential is over-looked. Years from now our grades won't be all that matters. I'm not saying that grades don't matter at all, it's just that there's more to life than straight As. I myself attained straight As but i don't go around boasting or putting others down. We should look beyond a person's grades because they don't represent a person's personality or even intelligence. What matters is how someone conducts themselves.

Dog Helps Boy Overcome Agoraphobia

Owen, a 7 year old boy became withdrawn when he realized that his rare genetic condition made him different from others. Owen suffers from Schwartz-Jampel syndrome, which means his muscles are always tense. He was afraid to go out and face people. His father Will adopted an Anatolian Shepherd, Haatchi from a rescue center after reading about him on Facebook  Haatchi himself had a difficult start in life, suffering horrific injuries when he was tied to a railway line and hit by a train. He was found days later, with a mangled tail and back leg. His tail and leg had to be amputated and no one would adopt him. When Will brought Haatchi home, the dog and Owen immediately developed a friendship. The little boy now like to venture out with his pal and take him to dog shows. Haatchi has really helped Owen overcome his troubles and fears and the change seen in Owen is remarkable Stories like these just strengthen my love for animals because I believe that they are better friends than any human can ever be!

Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake Marry In Italy

Hollywood singer/actor Justin Timberlake wed actress Jessica Biel in a ceremony in Italy. The exact date of the wedding is unknown but the couple partied on the beach with family and friends before exchanging vows. Timberlake rose to fame in the boy band N'Sync and Biel broke into movies with 2003's Texas chainsaw Massacre. The pair has had an on and off relationship since 2007 and announced their engagement at the beginning of this year. Few Hollywood relationships really last but there are always exceptions like Will Smith and Jada Pinkett smith who have been married since 1997 and Tom Hanks who has been with Rota Wilson since 1988. It will be interesting to see how long this marriage lasts. If it doesn't last a year, I wouldn't be surprised

Pakistanis Set Number Of World Records

As the decision for the record of most people singing the national anthem is still in process, Pakistanis got ready to set a number of other world records. This weekend was one of bizarre record attempts that took place in Lahore. Mohammad Mansha set a new record for making chapati breads which included mixing, kneading, spinning and cooking three in 3 minutes and 14 seconds. Mehek Gul, a 12 year old girl set the record for arranging the chess pieces on a board using only one hand. her time was 45 seconds. These events were held as part of a week long festival for the youth. Guinness World Records adjudicator Gareth Deaves was present to ensure that there was no foul play and to make decisions Other records set included one by Mohammad Nauman who electrified the crowd in Lahore as he wired a household plug in just 35 seconds.Daniel Gill and Mohammad Rizwan also set a record by heading a football between them 335 times in 45 seconds. It is good to know that our people are also taking part in such events with so much patriotism and vigour. This way we can show the world just how far we can go.

Sunday 21 October 2012

I Hate Blogging

This daily blogging thing is just getting on my nerves, It needs to be over soon. Well, it will be tomorrow. I don't know what to blog about because I've run out of topics. Blogging is really not my thing. I cannot put my thoughts and emotions into words so this blog is just a headache. Right now I can only rant about how I don't know what to write and how much I hate this. But I can't do anything about it because it's an assignment and I really don't want to flunk this course. Tomorrow when I'm done with my last post. I'll feel like I'm the happiest girl on the planet. Tomorrow, please come soon!

Malala Back On Her Feet

Malala, the Pakistani girl shot the head by Taliban for promoting education for women has been able to stand on her feet with help for the first time since being shot in the head. Though she is unable to talk just yet, she has been communicating by writing notes says Doctor Dave Rosser who is the medical director at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham where Malala is being treated. She still has an infection but is stable and keen to know more about her condition. This young girl is definitely an example for all of us. It's amazing how she has been fighting and standing strong despite all the threats and danger to her life. Let's all hope and pray that she gets back to good health soon.

Pakistan Attempts To Breaks World Record

On the 20th of October, 70,000 Pakistanis gathered at Lahore stadium in an attempt to break the Guinness World record for the mos people to sing the national anthem. Children and grown ups alike were present with patriotism running through the veins After the anthem there were slogans of 'Pakistan Zindabad'. Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif was also present to sing the anthem and according to the organizers two officials of the Guinness Book of World Records were present as well. The process of determining whether we have indeed broken the record is a time-consuming one. If it is confirmed then Pakistan's name will be entered in the Guinness Book World Records in 2013. The current record holder is India. It's a great feeling to know that despite all the crisis that Pakistan is facing right now, Pakistanis still have patriotism and hope within and if need be, are ready to lay down their lives for their country. Long Live Pakistan!